Welcome to Winter 24/25!

Upcoming hours: Wednesday March 26 - Sunday March 30 open 4 - 9pm.
Closed Monday March 31 - Wednesday April 2.
Thursday April 3 - Sat April 5 open 4 - 9pm.
Sunday, April 6 tbd
Last seating at 9pm

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Please email dine@sasquatchsushi.com for winter season reservations, or call 250 491 3421

Located on the main level of Stonebridge Lodge building #2, Big White Ski Resort

Reservations Strongly Recommended. The largest group we can seat is 7 guests.

If you have a large order and a chance to plan ahead, you can place your order a day or two (or 7!) in advance.
Sorry, our online ordering platform only accepts North American Credit Cards. Please order online and pay when you pick up your order.

Takeaway only available until 5:00pm


Sasquatch Sushi Restaurant:
Stonebridge Lodge Building #2
5257 Big White rd, Beaverdell, BC V0H1A0
Tel: 250.491.3421
Email: dine@sasquatchsushi.com
Reservations Recommended